
This Side of Paradise (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920) F. Scott Fitzgerald

This Side of Paradise F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald's first novel set a precedent for what would be his chronic career of the jazz age America through fiction. This Side of Paradise, published in 1920, originally titled "selfish romantic" and "character education," follows the exploits of Princeton College Student Amory Blaine. From character has much in common with the author, which makes the book largely autobiographical. was composed of several pieces of writing Fitzgerald has accumulated over the years in college and later during their service in the war. Consequently, the plot is fragmented and experimental from fluctuating views, poems, letters, plays and long streams of consciousness. makes the novel as talent, intelligence and a great promise for future work as an independent piece, text balloons and Columns point of boredom.

Amory Blaine, the Midwest and a nice start with an appreciation of literature, comes to Princeton pretentious, narcissistic, selfish. His constant search for a sense of identity and purpose reflects the mood of the post-war youth. This Side of Paradise is actually a Bildungsroman, tracing the moral development of young Amory an egocentric to a contemplative nature selfish. Several problems with the girls you along the way, each doomed to failure as the protagonist commit or facilitate the necessary wealth. His indecisive nature puts Anthony Patch next novel Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned, sometimes they are almost indistinguishable. Despite the sense of pathos that dwells in both, and the characters are emotionally appealing to the average reader. Unlike Anthony thorns Amory even marry the girl of your choice, Rosalind spoiled debutante. His repeated failures to life and marriage marked as tragic outcast.

My biggest problem with this side of heaven was not so much the inertia of the protagonist, but the general lack of clarity in the text. An excess of literary and cultural references I was very specific and often puzzled because no characters have been described in particular generally lost track of who they were. I found the various interests of tedious, repetitive and unnecessary love the pace of the plot was heavy and nowhere I find particularly intrigued by what was happening. To be fair to Fitzgerald, was his first novel and although it was repeatedly rejected before publication, which is experiencing a public instant success. The key to this success is undoubtedly its inventiveness, because it was the modern literature as never seen before. The irony is that even after his older novels were never as high critical acclaim in his life. As Amory, he was a man who peaked too early and had increased everywhere. It is recommended to readers a more philosophical bent.  

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